Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation question 3

what kind of media instition will distribute my media production

One of my tasks is to choose what kind of media institution will distribute my product. To do this I have taken into account what kind of shops I think people would be likely to buy my magazine in. I think followers of my magazine would be more likely to buy the magazine in music shops and record stores rather than in big supermarkets. This would mean the magazine would be sold in stores such as HMV as well as in individual cd shops or reggae shops. This is because the magazine is less likely to attract a mainsteam following as the music featured is rarely played in popular culture. Another important factor is the followers of the magazine will be more likely to be found in a more diverse cd shop/record store which would sell music from around the world.

Jamguide will also charge £5.30, which could be considered more expensive, but followers are encouraged to subscribe for £10.00 per month for a weekly issue, meaning it costs significantly less. This is important as the magazine is trying to establish a loyal following who consistently read the magazine. I will also have my magazine sold mainly in cities, as it is an urban magazine with a large multicultural following.

My magazine will also have a website where followers can get all the information from the magazine as well as set up their own user accounts where they can interact with eachother and discuss the music featured in the magazine. They can also download an app for their i phone which updates you on all the news featured in the magazine.

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