Wednesday 8 December 2010

My magazine audience

I created a reggae music magazine called Jamguide. I aimed to attract an audience who were interested in the magazine genre I was producing. This meant I was appealing to a wide range of ages, but mainly younger people as I was aiming to get young people interested in the music genre. I attracted this audience by using bright colours (red, yellow, green) and using a font with a modern style. (california downloaded from
I also put a 'conte crayon' effect on all of my photos, which made the pictures black and white, relating them to photos of reggae artists of old, as well as giving them a modern touch. This attracted a young and old audience.

My target audience are young people from Britain with an interst in reggae music. The magazine is produced weekly and is relatively cheap meaning people from a lower income could afford to buy the magazine on a regular basis. This is important because many of my target audience could be on a low income. The younger generation of my audience would download their music and go to gigs, but some of the older generation would be listening to cd's and vynils. I think my target audience would have a range of interests and hobbies depending on their age. As I was aiming at such a wide range of target audiences this could include anything from partying to relaxing and listening to the music. 

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