Thursday 9 December 2010

My magazine double page spread

This is the double page spread for my music magazine. The article is an interview and a brief bit of information about a fake reggae music artist 'Ragman.' The artist is being interviewed by a questioner, who''s interest is the inspiration behind the artists music.
The headline for my double page spread is 'Ragman talks to us' which shows that the interview is exclusive to my magazine. 
 For my double page spread I also used several images of the artist. These images are important as they are the hook on the page, and without them the spread would just be writing and may be considered boring. The images show the artist playing guitar, mixing and a close up of his face. This range of images show the different talents the artist has as well as immediately showing the audience that he is a musician.
Also, for my double page spread I enlarged important quotes from the article and changed their font as well as adding colour. This is the first thing the audience looks at at gives them an insight into what type of article/ interview it is.
The interview in the article is laid back and has a conversational feel. This is important as one of the running themes in my magazine is a relaxed, welcoming tone. I used this because it means the audience can relate to the conversation featured, and means the interveiwer seems interested rather than interregating. This is shown through the use of conversational, every day speech such as 'its quite funny actually.' I also use laughter to reflect the upbeat, warm tone of the interview.

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