Thursday 6 January 2011

evaluation question 7

Looking back at the prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt about the progression from it to the full product.

From the prelim task, I learnt the basics of using photoshop and began to understand how to use the layout, colours and effects which are featured in a magazine. One of the methods that I learnt to use in the prelim task was how to create consistensy through colours and font. In my school magazine 'Shabang!' I used the same font and a similar sandy colour through out which provided consistency. This was important as it meant the readers knew what magazine they were looking at, and would be confused if the contents page was completely different to front page.

Another method I would go on to use in my magazine was the use of effects. In my school magazine I learnt how to put effects onto photos meaning they were given an artistic edge. This was useful as it would also manipulate images and help them to fit and blend in better into the page.

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process

During the design and making of my magazine I used the following technologies:
- Photoshop
-I movie
-I photo

During this process I have learnt to use all of these technologies which I was unfamiliar with before. For example, I had only briefly used photoshop before designing my magazine but I learnt to use it to the point where I could design a proffessional looking magazine with a variety of different details.

One of the methods I learnt to use was how to crop photos. During the process I learnt how to crop photos using the cropping tool in photoshop. This was important as I used this in all of my images.

Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/ address your audience

My magazine has a massive range of audiences meaning I needed to attract a variety of people.

A way in which I attracted a younger more vibrant audience was the use of bright colours, modern fonts, and manipulated images to create a modern consistency. This was important because it meant a younger audience would be immediately drawn to the magazine as well as making the magazine look better. One method I used was the of a modern font, downloaded from, which made the magazine look stylish and new and was used throughout. The attention to detail used in the font would make the page altogether look more exciting.

My magazine also attracted an older audience by featuring artists that were around when reggae was most popular. This is important because it attracts older people to the magazine, and as they read on they are introduced to new music. The feature also means the readers are updated on what the older artists are doing and if they are still making music, which may not be featured in any other media publication. Another method I used is the use of black and white images. This is important because an older audience can relate it to the images they saw when reggae first started.

Evaluation question 4

Who would the audience be for your magazine

My magazine would have a wide range of audiences which would feature both young and old people, both male and female from a variety of social groups. The target audience of my magazine is anyone who listens to and enjoys the Reggae music genre, and wants to know more about it. This means many of my audience may be older people who enjoyed the genre when they were younger and want to get up to date with the most modern music coming out of the genre. My audience would also include young people who have been following the new music in the scene and also may enjoy the older music. The magazine also appeals to people from both sexes as it uses neutral colours and is not obviously male/ female from the features and the style.

Evaluation question 2

How does your music magazine represent different social groups.

My music magazine was aimed at a wide range of audiences consisting of many different age groups. This was important as the magazine was aiming at a variety of different audiences rather than only at a single subculture. Although, my magazine still used methods to attract this variety of different audiences. For example, my magazine used bright colours and modern fonts to represent a young youthful audience.

I also used black and white images, which would represent an older audience, who would have been following the genre for a long time. These images where first taken in colour, but were manipulated in photoshop so they appeared black and white with an artistic 'conte crayon' edge to them as well. This is important because the images can relate to a young audience also, as they have clearly been edited using an effect on the computer.

evaluation question 1

In what ways did your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms of existing magazines.

My magazine aimed to use features and methods used by other magazines. For example, for my contents page I looked at the NME contents page and aimed to use a similar layout. Despite this, my magazine still remained original as it used a different style. Furthermore, My magazine front page uses similar conventions featured in other magazines. This included a bold masthead, Images and adverts as well as many other features. This was important because it meant my magazine would appear as proffessional as all of the main magazines around today.

Furthermore, my magazine also aims to develop forms used by existing magazines as it uses effects throughout and gives unbiased views.

Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation question 3

what kind of media instition will distribute my media production

One of my tasks is to choose what kind of media institution will distribute my product. To do this I have taken into account what kind of shops I think people would be likely to buy my magazine in. I think followers of my magazine would be more likely to buy the magazine in music shops and record stores rather than in big supermarkets. This would mean the magazine would be sold in stores such as HMV as well as in individual cd shops or reggae shops. This is because the magazine is less likely to attract a mainsteam following as the music featured is rarely played in popular culture. Another important factor is the followers of the magazine will be more likely to be found in a more diverse cd shop/record store which would sell music from around the world.

Jamguide will also charge £5.30, which could be considered more expensive, but followers are encouraged to subscribe for £10.00 per month for a weekly issue, meaning it costs significantly less. This is important as the magazine is trying to establish a loyal following who consistently read the magazine. I will also have my magazine sold mainly in cities, as it is an urban magazine with a large multicultural following.

My magazine will also have a website where followers can get all the information from the magazine as well as set up their own user accounts where they can interact with eachother and discuss the music featured in the magazine. They can also download an app for their i phone which updates you on all the news featured in the magazine.