Thursday 6 January 2011

evaluation question 7

Looking back at the prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt about the progression from it to the full product.

From the prelim task, I learnt the basics of using photoshop and began to understand how to use the layout, colours and effects which are featured in a magazine. One of the methods that I learnt to use in the prelim task was how to create consistensy through colours and font. In my school magazine 'Shabang!' I used the same font and a similar sandy colour through out which provided consistency. This was important as it meant the readers knew what magazine they were looking at, and would be confused if the contents page was completely different to front page.

Another method I would go on to use in my magazine was the use of effects. In my school magazine I learnt how to put effects onto photos meaning they were given an artistic edge. This was useful as it would also manipulate images and help them to fit and blend in better into the page.

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