Thursday 6 January 2011

Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/ address your audience

My magazine has a massive range of audiences meaning I needed to attract a variety of people.

A way in which I attracted a younger more vibrant audience was the use of bright colours, modern fonts, and manipulated images to create a modern consistency. This was important because it meant a younger audience would be immediately drawn to the magazine as well as making the magazine look better. One method I used was the of a modern font, downloaded from, which made the magazine look stylish and new and was used throughout. The attention to detail used in the font would make the page altogether look more exciting.

My magazine also attracted an older audience by featuring artists that were around when reggae was most popular. This is important because it attracts older people to the magazine, and as they read on they are introduced to new music. The feature also means the readers are updated on what the older artists are doing and if they are still making music, which may not be featured in any other media publication. Another method I used is the use of black and white images. This is important because an older audience can relate it to the images they saw when reggae first started.

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