Tuesday 23 November 2010

Magazine photo shoot

-       My photo shoot will be based on rough drawings I did in media lessons. This included nine photos for my magazine.
-       I want to shoot my photos over the next few days
-       I aim to take my photos in a variety of different locations to reflect the mood of the picture.
-       The photos will be of people I know who
-                Photo
-                Where/ what/how
-                angle 
-                1
Outside. Onstage. Person playing guitar.
-                mid shot
-                2
Inside. Bright lighting. Person looks
-                Close up
-                3
Person playing drums.
-                Medium shot
-                4
Person closing eyes singing into microphone. Sunshine in background.
-                Medium close up
-                5

Two people playing guitars.
Onstage. Looking musical.
-                long shot
-                6
 person singing into microphone.
-                Medium shot
-                7
Band onstage looking happy
-                long shot
-                8
Group with their arms round each other
-                medium shot

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