Friday 24 September 2010

Content analysis and target audience

NME is a rock music magazine, who mainly aim at an alternative audience. NME features interviews and articles with bands, and has a massive range of gig guides and album advertisements. NME aims at its target audience by focusing on the attitudes and lifestyle of bands as well as their music, to encourage a certain style which appeals to an alternative audience who wish to rebel against the mainstream of modern society. This means that the magazine will often publish famous musicians who are not smiling, but are looking angry, bored, suprised etc... The adverts in NME include gaming ads and internet websites.

NME includes 16 pages of features, which are articles and interviews with bands who are releasing new material, or old bands who are talking about their times playing. This means the readers of NME are up to date with the newest indie rock music, which can also cause them to become part of the scene (if they are not already) and be keen followers.

The target audience for NME are from the UK and can be from any religious or cultural background. The generally expensive cost of the magazine suggests the target audience are from a middle class or wealthy background, as to be buying the magazine weekly could amount to alot of money.

Kerrang is a heavy rock magazine aimed at an alternative, rebellious and loud audience.  This suggested through the design of the masthead which is big bold and smashed. Kerrang is a magazine that features interviews and articles with bands as well as festival reviews and gig guides. The demographics of the magazine are both genders aged 16+, who are often classed as skaters and or metalheads. These people aim to go against the mainstream of society, which is often reflected through the angry expressions of the people featured, which could also be aggressive.
The adverts in Kerrang relate to the audience because they are album and tour ads as well as violent gaming ads. This is relevant to the target audience because rebellious would not play a happy game, but would prefer a more thrilling, bloody game.

Kerrang includes 19 pages of features, which are articles and interviews with new and old bands, as long as they are releasing new produce. This is to inform the readers of what is happening in the music scene, as well as get them hooked onto up and coming bands.

The target audience of Kerrang are rebelious skaters and metalheads. These people predominantly come from a western society, which means they have more to complain about. 

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